Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

Travel Plan

Junior Travel Ambassadors
JTA logo

The school has J.T.A's (Junior Travel Ambassadors) who promote road safety. Their job is to teach the other pupils how to stay safe on the streets whilst having fun. They have regular meetings to discuss ideas that pupils may have brought to them regarding road safety in the local area. They also meet with 'The Borough Road Safety Officer' to discuss these important issues, such as children being unable to cross the street safely due to inconsiderate car parking. They also promote the importance of cycle helmets when riding bicycles. Recently they have been promoting car seat safety.



Our cycle storage enclosure was erected in January 2020, however the new cycle storage enclosure is now easily accessible as it is by our main school gates.  Children can cycle to school as long as they wear a cycle helmet.


Year 5 and 6 children also take part in 'Bikeability' training.  Bikeability is 'cycling proficiency' for the 21st Century!

The training teaches pupils how to control their bike, be able to look for and assess traffic, how to communicate and where to position themselves on the road.


Walk to school

WOW (Walk On Wednesdays) a scheme the school has been promoting since it started. Children are encouraged to walk to school every day not just on Wednesdays. Children who walk to school daily for the month earn a colourful WOW badge which they wear on their school fleece with pride. Click the link below for further information.
