Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

Curriculum Implementation

At Rainham Village Primary School & Nursery, our curriculum focuses on children learning knowledge, skills and vocabulary. This builds from Year N to Year 6, with links made with learning in previous years. From Year 1 English and Maths follow the National Curriculum requirements for each year group. This provides children with a broad and balanced curriculum and progress is evaluated on children knowing and remembering more.

The curriculum is taught as discrete subjects where links are made with other subjects to support learning. English and Maths skills are used throughout the curriculum.

We use knowledge organisers to help children learn the core knowledge they need in each subject. These are shared with parents/ carers to help them support their children’s learning. We recognise the crucial role that adults at home play in their children’s education and we are always seeking ways to encourage and support this.


At Rainham Village Primary School & Nursery we teach the curriculum to all children, whatever their ability. For our children with SEND we look at a range of factors including classroom organisation, teaching materials, teaching styles and differentiation, so that we can take some additional or different action to enable the children to learn more effectively. This ensures that our teaching is matched to the child’s needs. Some children will follow individualised timetables to enable them to meet the desired outcomes of their EHCP.

Wider curriculum

At Rainham Village we use visits and visitors to enhance our children’s educational experiences. We make links with local, national and international events. We hold enrichment weeks that focus on one area of the curriculum or provide a different learning experience for our children.  We try to liaise with our local secondary school wherever possible to broaden the experiences our children receive.

Curriculum Impact

The class teachers will continually carry out formative assessment in all areas of the curriculum. This will be through questioning, observations, discussions and evidence in books. Teacher’s will then track their children once a term and assess whether they are working well below age related expectations, working below age related expectations, working at age related expectations or working above age related expectations.

For English and Maths we use National assessments – Early Learning Goals, Year 1 Phonic Screening, Year 2 assessments, NFER assessments for Years 3 to Year 5, Year 4 times table screening, Year 6 assessments. We use Question Level Analysis each term to assess the children’s learning and to identify gaps in learning and we then amend and adapt our planning accordingly.

The feedback from children and evidence of their enthusiasm for their learning also provides us with evidence of the impact of our curriculum. Subject coordinators also carry out individual pupil voice interviews with pupils. Pupil’s comment on their learning journeys in their end of year reports. We also seek the views of parents via a yearly questionnaire and end of year report feedback form.