Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 6 - Spring Term

Week beginning 31st January 2022

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Percentages and Statistics

Complete lessons 1 - 5



Work through the video lessons 21  - 25 on The Golden Compass and complete the written outcomes in your exercise books.

GPS - Listen to the video and complete the activities on the function of a colon in your exercise book.

 Spellings - Listen to the video and complete the activities on silent letters in your exercise book.

   Guided Reading Complete all the lessons on "Using Inference to Explore Characters" and write the outcomes in your book.


What are Medicinal Drugs?

 Watch the video and answer the questions in your exercise book



Geography R.E.

Winston Churchill


Read the fact file and create a biography of Sir Winston Churchill's life



What do Sikhs Believe about God?

Watch the video clip and write any outcomes in your exercise book. 



P.E. Art French


Yoga for Kids



Understanding the Basics

 Watch the video and complete any tasks given.



Watch the video clips about your hobbies. Write about The Weather and Seasons in French of course - try a whole paragraph .
