Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 6 - Autumn Term

Week beginning 7th November 2022

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Complete lessons 6-10

Integers and Decimals



Work through the video lessons 6-10 completing the written outcomes in your exercise books.

GPS - Listen to the video and complete the activities in your exercise book.

 Spellings - Listen to the video and complete the activities in your exercise book.

   Guided Reading Complete all 5 lessons on Holes and write the outcomes in your book.


What are some uses of light?

 Watch the video and answer the questions in your exercise book



Geography R.E.


More on Victorian Railways

Watch the second video on 'Without Equal': 'Sans Pareil', the 'Rocket' and The Rainhill Trials, 1829 and write a paragraph about what you have discovered. 



Christian Funerals

Watch the video on a Christian funeral and write a paragraph about what happens here.



P.E. Art French


Try the yoga




Watch the video answering any questions in your exercise book and then recreating your own artwork.



Watch the video clips—learn the names of the French food and then write some sentences using them. IN French of course.
