Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 3  

6th -11th February 2023

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Angles and Shape

Complete lessons 1-5.

English - Non-Chronological Report. Work through the videos lessons 11 - 15.

GPS  Using conjunctions to build sentences.

Spellings - Investigate more -er and -est suffixes.

        Guided Reading - Complete all the activities on Tiddalik the Frog Activity 2 on the page. Write your outcomes in your exercise book.



What conditions could we change to investigate the growth of a plant?



Geography R.E.

The Stone Age

Explore the Stone Age by watching the videos and exploring the images. Complete the quiz.

Rivers - What landforms do rivers create?

Watch to the video and complete the activities in your exercise book

What is Hinduism?

Watch the video clip and explore What is Hinduism?

Make notes in your exercise books.


P.E. Art French

10 fun daily activities



Tree Sculpture

Begin creating your own tree sculpture using techniques shown in the video. Alternatively draw a type of tree and explore the name and characteristics.


Ask when is your birthday?

This week focus on how to ask when is your birthday? Use the  numbers between 12-31 section to help answer these questions as well as the months of the year. Write your answers and learning into your exercise books.