Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 4   

9th - 13th January 2023

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Reasoning with 4-digit numbers

Complete lessons 1-5

English - Work through the video lessons 1-5 completing the written outcomes in your    exercise books.

GPS - Complete the lessons on pronouns

Spellings - Listen to the video and complete the activities in your exercise book. This is 2 lessons, one for each week. There is a test at the end of the 2nd lesson.

ReadingComplete all 5 lessons on ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and write your outcomes in your exercise book.

What are circuit diagrams?

Watch the video and answer the questions in your exercise book.


Geography R.E.

Who were the ancient Maya?



Building Locational Knowledge

What are the hemispheres?

Islam - Part 1

Can you produce a piece of writing about Islam?


P.E. Art French

 Complete the indoor circuit workout



Still Life Drawing

Using the techniques you have learnt  to draw a still life drawing of your choice.

Watch the video to help with colouring in your still life drawing.

How do you form plurals in French?

Read through the page from ‘How do you form plurals in French?’, listening to the pronunciation tabs as you go — learn how to talk/write plurals in French. Then, create a game that matches the singular to the plural and play it with your family.