Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 3 - Summer Term

1st - 5th May 2023

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Securing multiplication and division

Complete lessons 1-5

          English -  Pigeon-impossible. Watch the video and write a descriptive paragraph about the setting

GPS - Understand the two functions of apostrophes

Spellings - Practise suffixes ic-al-and-ity-tion-ness and complete the test.

        Guided Reading The Suitcase Kid by Jacqueline Wilson. Complete lessons 1-5.

Write all your outcomes in your exercise book.


Rock cycle


Read about the rock cycle and then describe the process of weathering in your exercise book.



Geography R.E.

Roman Britain

What was it like in Roman Britain?

Make notes in your exercise books.

Watch the video and complete the activities

What is Yom Kippur?

Watch the video clip and make notes in your exercise books.


P.E. Art French

Create a sequence

 In this lesson, we will explore how to create a sequence using different pathways and levels. We will consider how effective nutrition and hydration can have an impact on our body during exercise.



Exploring Art

Who is Charlie Phillips?



Practice hobbies and write these into your exercise books. Practice saying sentences in French.