Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 5  - Summer Term

Wk beg 1st May 2023

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Line Graphs and Timetables

Complete lessons 6 - 10. Write the outcomes in your exercise book.

English:  Work through lessons 16 - 20 on The Fate of Fausto

   GPS:  Watch and try out the activities on the difference between hyphens and dashes.

Guided Reading

Complete all 5 lessons on I Was A Rat! by Phillip Pullman

Spellings - investigate homonyms and carry out the test.

What is a Synthetic Material?

Watch the video and answer the questions in your exercise book.


Geography R.E.

Who was Isambard Kingdom Brunel?

   Watch the video clip on Brunel, what did he discover in this lesson?

What Enquiries are Geographers Currently Doing?

Watch the video and answer the quiz at the end of the quiz in your exercise book.


What is the Sacred Text of Christianity?

Watch the video clip and answer the quiz questions based on it into your exercise book

P.E. Art French

Performing a Sequence with Control and Accuracy

Try this 

What is Applique?

Look at the video clip and answer the quiz, Try out the task.


Saying The Months

Watch the video below and answer the quiz.