Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs


9th - 13th January 2023

Click on the subjects below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Addition and Subtraction

Watch the video and complete the activities in your exercise book. Complete the first five lessons on addition and subtraction.

English - The Day the Crayons Quit - Persuasive writing. Complete lessons 6-10.

GPS - To explore conjunctions. Watch the video and complete the activities in your exercise book.

Spellings - To revisit and explore homonyms.

        Guided Reading - Rushing-rivers - Complete lessons 1-5.


Light and Dark

Which materials are reflective?


Geography R.E.

Prehistoric Britain



Water, Weather and Climate

Why is the world's weather changing?



What makes Christianity unique? Part 2


P.E. Art French

Physical Education

Watch the Spiderman work out video and practice the skills





Watch the video with Ken Done painting a landscape. Pick a striking building or bridge from around your home or look on the internet and try your own landscape. Remember the lesson on perspective from last week.

Learn and practise French words in this live lesson

Last week you watched a video that taught you how to ask someone’s name and how to respond. This week you need to revisit these skills and practice using these phrases.