Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 5 - Summer Term

28th June - 2nd July 2021

Click on the links for each subject below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




Fractions and Decimals

Complete lessons 6-10


English - Work through the video Aladdin-lessons 1-10 completing the written outcomes in your exercise books.  


 GPS - Watch the video and complete the activities Grammar Pack - How to use a semicolon

Spellings Read you list of 5 /6 spelling words and try writing them without looking at them, into your exercise book.

  Guided Reading  Complete all 5 lessons on The Listeners 

 Write all your outcomes in your exercise book.


How does the lifecycle of an insect compare to an amphibian? 

Watch the video and carry out the activity in your exercise book. 


Geography R.E.

KS2 Victorians

Victorians: the filthy rich and the filthy poor   

Describe why there were rich and poor people in the Victorian days, what were the reasons?

Can I improve my essay about Christianity?


Watch the video clip (lesson10) and answer the quiz questions based on it in your exercise book. 

P.E. Art French

Watch the yoga exercises and carry out the steps carefully.

Yoga for Kids! - YouTube


What makes an effective range of initial design ideas?

Look at the video clip and answer the quiz on graphic design lesson 7.


Putting together all of the learning from this unit