Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 6  - Summer Term

19th-23rd April 2021

Click on the subject links below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




 Number: Ratio

 Day 1      Day 2   Day 3    Day 4

English - The Windrush diary writing lessons 1-5

GPS -  Listen to the video about pronouns and complete the activities in your exercise book.

Spellings - Watch the video about ‘ough’ words. List as many words using this letter string as you can think of. Then complete the online activities based on the ‘ough’ words.

Guided Reading - vocabulary, retrieval and inference.  During this week, read the extract - The Cook of Cali and the Madremonte of Pico and answer the three different types of questions – vocabulary, retrieval and inference.

     Complete all activities & write your outcomes in your exercise book.


Watch the video and read the information - What is a Plant? Make notes in your book, complete the activity and the quiz.


Geography R.E.

Tudors - daily life

Read the information about how daily life in Tudor times and make notes in your book.


rivers     rivers/importance     rivers/source

Click on the three links above to read the introductory information about rivers then write notes in your exercise book.



What is Islam?

Over the next two weeks, watch the video clip and take notes in your exercise book. Also read the given information about what Islam is and again take notes about the parts of the religion. Once you have completed the notes take the quiz. 

P.E. Art French


Watch Boxercise videos and exercise along with the instructor.




There are three methods on this link to show perspective – METHOD 1  One Point perspective. Follow the instructions on this link to recreate  the one-point perspective image.


Culture - Exploring Normandy

Over the next two weeks, watch the video clip, listen to the French words and write both the French and the English words in your   exercise books. Complete the quiz based on this topic.