Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Rainham Village Primary School and Nursery

Quality Education Meeting Individual Needs

YEAR 5 - Summer Term

12th - 16th July 2021

Click on the links for each subject below.  Complete all lessons and write your outcomes in your exercise book.   




2D and 3D Shape

Complete lessons 1-5


English - To engage with a narrative.

Work through the video Aladdin Lessons 11 - 20

 GPSGrammar Pack - How to use a semicolon

Attempt the task at the end of this video

Spellings Read you list of 5 /6 spelling words and try writing them without looking at them, into your exercise book.

  Guided Reading - Complete all 5 lessons on

The Giant's Necklace by Michael Morpurgo


How do lifecycles compare across the animal kingdom?

 Watch the video and carry out the written activity in your exercise book.


Geography R.E.

KS2 Victorians

      The Victorian Workhouse London 1870 -1900

Watch the video and describe the atmosphere in the workhouse


What do geographers do with their data?

Watch the video and answer the quiz at the end of the quiz. 

Lesson 8



What do Humanists believe about life and death?

Watch the video clip and answer the quiz questions. 

P.E. Art French

Try these YOGA poses


Perspective in drawing and painting - KS2 Art and Design - BBC Bitesize

Draw your own perspective drawing



Describe clothes with colours

Watch the video clip and answer the quiz in your exercise book.